MCDC First Post-Doctoral Fellowship Awards are now open

13 May 2013


The MCDC First Post-Doctoral Fellowship Awards are now open, with the application form and guidance notes available on the MCDC Grants Website: I will be sending you individual emails to provide your log in details. Once logged in, you should click on 'View currently available grant applications' and then select the First Post-Doctoral Fellowship Awards.  You should then have access to all the guidance notes and forms associated with this call for funding. When you have completed your application and accompanying documents, you should upload these to the site, following the instructions provided. Should you have any difficulties at all, please email me and I'll do my best to help! 

About the Awards: The objective of these awards is to help you bridge the gap between your PhD studentship and obtaining a post-doctoral position in a university or research institution or in finding a non-academic post which makes full use of the training that you have received during your PhD fellowship programme. The maximum sum available for these awards will be £55k. Included in this total is £5k to cover two visits from the applicant’s academic advisers. In exceptional circumstances - which must be discussed with the secretariat - we will consider making awards of up to £70k.

Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines: You must have submitted your thesis for review before the closing date of the call for applications - 30 June 2013. For those not eligible to submit under the current round of funding a second round will be launched in January 2014.

Should you have any questions about the awards, please don't hesitate to email me. Helen [dot] Allwood [at] lshtm [dot] ac [dot] uk

All the best and good luck.